it could happen to anyone
Suddenly he is crestfallen.
"This is wrong," he mutters to himself, downheartedly.
"I think the bow goes in the BACK ..."
Specially trained security personnel are watching body language and facial cues of passengers for signs of bad intentions. The watcher could be the attendant who hands you the tray for your laptop or the one standing behind the ticket-checker. Or the one next to the curbside baggage attendant.
At the heart of the new screening system is a theory that when people try to conceal their emotions, they reveal their feelings in flashes that Ekman, a pioneer in the field, calls "micro-expressions." Fear and disgust are the key ones, he said, because they're associated with deception.
Let me get this straight. Signs of fear and disgust in today's airline travelers are what triggers closer scrutiny??
Exactly who would that eliminate?Labels: logic